Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci, one of the leading artists from Italian Renaissance, was talented to say the least. Even so, I want to share some really interesting facts about him.

First, let us get the basics down:
Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy to a poor momma and a well to do father that had relations on the down low. Because of this his father raised him. When he was old enough to begin learning a trade he began an apprenticeship with a local artists named Verrocchio.

When he was in his early twenties, he had learned enough to be considered Master Artist. From there he was commissioned by the Due of Milan for work. It was during that time that he painted some of his most famous masterpieces such as "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa". 

Most of us also know about his scientific studies, sketches, and books. He designed things way before their time such as the airplane, guns, tanks, ball bearings, diving suits, a self propelled cart, robots, and even the helicopter.

Leonardo da Vinci died at his country house given to him by the French king on May 2, 1519.

  • Now what you may not have known:
  • Leonardo da Vinci was charged with Sodomy in his early twenties but he beat it.
  • He could paint with his right hand and write with his left at the same time! Now my friends, that is talent.
  • He was a man truly obsessed with water.
Check out these famous paintings and see for yourself.

He also predicted the end of the world would come with water. He studied everything he could about water. Now sit there and tell me this man was not preoccupied with water!
  • It is said that "Mona Lisa"is actually a self portrait of himself... tell me what you think?

Strikingly similar, I do not disagree but I like to think that this is a lady he saw from a distance and fell in love with myself. Only he knows the truth.

So that is what I know about our dear old friend Leonardo da Vinci and I hope you learned something new in this post. If not, I am sorry that you are a know it all!



Art Work Credit goes to our Main Man of the day: Leonardo da Vinci!

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