Friday, July 18, 2014

The Right Time?

So today is a rainy day and I have nothing to do. I considered writing a little today but nothing came to mind to write about until just a few minutes ago. I was scrolling through Facebook and ran across this picture...

Is it not amazing how something so simple can make you think of a million things. One sentence; four words, was all it took for me to wake up and smell the roses. If not now, when? So I have to ask myself why is it we put things off in life?

I have a very good friend who has always wanted kids. She found the love of her life twelve years ago and married nine years later. She has openly admitted to wanting kids but her husband is firm on his decision to wait until they are ready and prepared. I completely get that, having kids is a very big life change that you must be prepared for. But I am not sure how much more ready they can be. They both have established careers and though money is somewhat tight, they seem to manage just fine. Now my friend is on up there in age a bit and is now worried about being able to have them at all and if she does what the complications will be. So why not, go on and have a baby? Why wait any further? He still has the same reasons, "I just think we need to be prepared". So when is it going to be the right time? Is there a such thing as the right time?

I think there is a such thing as The Right Time. It just happens to be Right Now! Why wait? Why put things off? Life is about living and so why not go out there and live it? So you want to have a baby...go on and have it and enjoy that huge blessing in life. You want to fall in love but you keep fighting it off? Why? Let go and let what happens happen. From personal experience, it is amazing to give in and love! You want to get married but don't think it is the right time, well tell me when the right time is? If you are already thinking about wanting to marry the person you are with then obviously there is something there that is not ever going to go away. Grab hold and do not let go of that passion. Why wait, what are you waiting for? If not now, when? Have you been planning a special trip or vacation but keep putting it off for this reason or that? Why? Why are you torturing yourself? Get of my blog, type in the address bar your preferred airline and buy those tickets right now! It is the perfect time, so go for it!

Life is so short, there is not enough time to experience everything this world has to offer. We only make it worse by putting things off and waiting for The Right Time. So give up, give in, and start living life Right Now!!!!