Thursday, April 17, 2014

Have I Found My Prince Charming?

Most every girl on this planet would give anything to find true love. We dream about it when we are little girls and as young adults it almost becomes our focus in life. Do not get me wrong, there are some females out there that are the exception but they are far and few between. But is it a real possibility to find that prince charming that sweeps us off our feet and gives us our happily ever after?
In my personal opinion I think it is possible to find prince charming, however, he is not going to be like what we see in the movies. In fact, I think it is fair to say that some of those well know Disney movies that we watched as little girls brain washed us into thinking that life was going to be a magical place once we were grown. As we get older these dreams get worse and once again we watch movies like The Notebook and Sleepless in Seattle and wish for our Noah to come and take our breath away. Only making matters worse are all the love songs we hear, basically on repeat, on the radio. For instance, there is a new song out by John Legend called All of Me that is in all reality a pretty song and he sings about everything a girl would ever want to hear. I mean come on, what girl would not love to hear her man say, I will give you all of me. But we as women must face the facts. There is not a single man out there that is going to be willing to give you all of him!

No, we will never get our happily ever after if we keep it in our heads that it is going to be like what we see on the television, movies, and hear on the radio. However, if we can get those images out of our head we can find true love and happiness so there is still hope. For instance, Johnny Cash was a drunk and drug addict that was once divorced and in a state of disrepair when he met June Carter. Did she see him and think to herself this is no prince charming so I will pass?  Hell no, she took one look at him and just knew he was her kind of perfect. With her help, Jonny Cash cleaned himself up and turned his life around and as most of us know they loved each other until the end of their lives. After June’s death, Mr. Cash grieved himself to death basically. I mean, who hasn’t heard the expression I want a love like Johnny and June. Heck, there is even a song out by that title. Now tell me guys is that love or what?

I am no expert in love and I have failed a few times in the past but I think I found my prince charming. At least I am hoping I have. He doesn’t look like what one would expect a prince charming to look like with his beard and tattoos and even his attitude comes across as a hard ass. He is a smart ass and I may even go so far as to say a know it all and quite cocky! But he is perfect! He makes me smile and laugh non-stop. He is super sweet and doesn’t mind a single bit going out of his way to make my life better. One hug from him makes all my worries fade away and one single light kiss to the neck makes me not remember my own name. When he picks on me I get so irritated but at the same time I would miss it so much if he quit. These things are what one would call puppy love I suppose. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. All I know is he makes me want to be a better person and makes my heart skip a beat. I am truly happy with my life and he kinda completes it. For me, that is my prince charming. So in conclusion, do not pass up on a person because of their past or what they may look like because they could be your prince charming.

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