Thursday, December 19, 2013

Phil Robertson and His Suspension from A&E.

I am not going to say much on this topic as I am aware of all the talk going around as it is.  What I am going to say is this:
This is the one show that any family can watch on television right now.  It is a well known fact the family as a whole are Christian and firm in their beliefs.  They have never swayed in that area and as most of you know frequently discuss this on the show as well as say a prayer at the end of every show. My question is this,  why are all these people or even this network acting shocked or angry about Phil's personal opinion on a question he was asked?

If I am not mistaken, the question was "What do you find sinful?" Here is a person asking another person his OPINION of what sin means to him.  So why was Phil Robertson's answer his undoing on this network? Why is he being made out to be a good for nothing kind of guy? Wow, this world is really a great place to be a part of.

I feel that he is entitled to his opinion and faith whether everyone agrees or disagrees. I feel he is a good man that promotes peace and love and we need more of that in this world.  I respect this man,  though I never met in him real life,  and I applaud him for being big enough and brave enough to continue to stand by his words and his faith. I want more role models like this for my children. I am a Christian and raise my children to be Christians. I stand with him for his principles,  his morals, and his good influence on me and my family.

I have heard from a few people just today that they think all of this is a publicity stunt to gain more ratings.  I even overheard a group of people at the local Walmart discussing the very same thing.  I would tend to disagree with this theory.  I believe this is a very real event that is taking place and that it is very sad indeed. 

I would like to note that for as far back as the Romans and much further than that in History, followers of Christ have been persecuted for their beliefs. Many other religions as well for that matter.  This is yet again history repeating itself because we have yet to learn from our past.  So I say to the whole ordeal that it is all a big screw up on more than one persons behalf.  And this is really silly and sad.
I stand with Phil Robertson for the principal of the matter.  I stand with Phil Robertson for many other reasons as well but come on guys... Think about the whole picture not just what your feelings are or your beliefs or views are.  What is the big picture here? 

He has rights as an American.  He has rights as an individual.  He has rights for his faith.  I proud of who I am and what I think may offend many people but they offend me too.  This is the great thing about America.  We can have these opinions and accept the difference between us all and still live peacefully with one another. Or at least I thought that was what was so great about this country!

Okay,  I will end here because I have said more than I wanted already. I have to get back to my Literature homework.  I'm really struggling with this class! 


  1. I am Roman Catholic, and I support every single thing you said. It's a good show, available for family viewing, and espouses the kinds of things I tell my children I want them to believe in. I am appalled at A&Es behavior, and I'm expressing my displeasure by using the Parental Control features until I can contact my provider to drop these channels from my accout.

  2. I am glad that there are others out there that still want to provide these things to their children. A firm foundation built on Christ leads to nothing but success and happiness in life. That is what this show is all about to me. The family built their foundation on Christ and look at how happy they are. Not how much money they have, but how much love and happiness they have. Thanks for the comment and for your support of this family and Phil Robertson.

  3. I am glad that there are others out there that still want to provide these things to their children. A firm foundation built on Christ leads to nothing but success and happiness in life. That is what this show is all about to me. The family built their foundation on Christ and look at how happy they are. Not how much money they have, but how much love and happiness they have. Thanks for the comment and for your support of this family and Phil Robertson.
