Sunday, May 18, 2014

Time Travel?

What if we could go back in time? I have heard this question a million times, hell, there are even people that have tried and are trying to build time machines. So, knowing this makes anyone begin to wonder what they would do if they were given the chance to time travel. Would you go forward and see what life will be like in the future? Would you go back to a time in the past that you think you would have loved to have been a part of? Or would you go back to the recent post and change some things in your own life then fast forward to the present or the future to see how it all played out? These are all really good questions, I think. Here is my take on things.

If I was given a time machine; I would give it back! As much as I love history there is no way I would want to go back and live it. Shit was way to hard back then with way to many rules. Yes, I'm lazy like that. I certainly don't want to go back and change recent past because in my head I have a ton of things I think I could have done differently. However, if even one of those things were changed or turned out differently them I wouldn't be where I am at today. And I'm happy. Confused and lost and struggling to make it day to day but I'm happy. I also have no need to know my future. God knows that and I have faith in him to have that under control. I leave that with him. So I have no need for a time machine. I like making my mistakes. I like living my life with a thousand questions because of the challenging part of it. Without the challenges, I would be bored.

So what do all of you think? Would you want to use a time machine or not?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Love Me for Me

Where I have gone? Every now and then I find scattered pieces of myself hidden here and there and when I reach out and grab them I get a few minutes of myself back but then it all fades away and I'm back on the hunt. I wish I could show everyone what I'm really made of. There is a lot going on in this head of mine and I can't seem to get it out. I just want to be me, loved and respected for my actions and my thoughts. Where have I gone?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What Is Your Favorite Book?

What is your favorite book? I have been asked this questions more times than I can honestly count and every time I am asked I struggle to answer. It is the one question I dread most. It seems every day my answer will change. So as I thought about this dilemma more I came to a conclusion that I think makes perfect sense.

I have read thousands of books, and I have a perfect memory of all of them. So this gives me over a thousand books to choose from when someone asks me the question I dread most. What I think happens, however, is my mood decides my answer. So for example, if one day I am feeling downright evil and angry, then I might answer with a Stephen King book such as Insomnia or this one book called Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. If I am feeling adventurous that day, then perhaps my answer would more than likely be After Forever Ends by Melodie Ramone or one of my all-time favorites The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber. This can go on and on with every type of mood or feeling I could ever think of having, so I will spare you all the details this time. Even so, hopefully you catch what I am trying to say here.

Now do not get me wrong, I certainly have my set few choices of top personal favorites. Most of them are classics like Ivanhoe by Walter Scott, Ethan Frome by MS Edith Wharton, Emma by Jane Austen, and Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy. What can I say; I must be one of those hopeless romantics I love to make fun of. What I cannot help but wonder is this; does this happen to everyone or is it just me? If someone comes up to you and asks you what your favorite book is, do you have to think about it for a few minutes or do you know the answer right off the top of your head? Better yet, do you have more than one favorite book or do you have a terrible time picking from the many you love? I am intrigued now so help me cure my curiosity.    

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